
Monday 1 May 2017

Web technologies pdf

Web technologies pdf

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Unit V_wt_ pdf

Unit I_II_ III_ wt_pdf

Unit IV wt pdf

Unit I:

HTML:Common tags- List, Tables, Images, Forms, Frames and IFrames, Cascading Style Sheets; Introduction to Java Scripts, Dynamic HTML with Java Script.
XML:Defining XML tags, their attributes and values, Document Type Definition, XML Schemas, Document Object Model, DOM and SAX Parsers, XHTML

Unit II:
Introduction to PHP: Declaring variables, data types, arrays, strings, operators, expressions, control structures, functions
Reading data from web form controls like text boxes, radio buttons, lists etc., Handling File Uploads
Connecting to database (MySQL as reference), executing simple queries, handling results
Handling sessions and cookies

Unit III:
Object Oriented Programming with PHP: Creating classes and objects, public, private and protected access, constructor and destructor, Inheritance, Overriding and overloading methods, calling base class methods, static members, interfaces, abstract classes
File Handling: File operations like opening, closing, reading, writing, appending, deleting etc. on text and binary files, listing directories
XML Processing: creating an XML file, using simple XML functions, extracting elements and attributes, modifying XML elements and attributes, adding and deleting elements and attributes, parsing XML file with parser functions Simple Ajax implementation with PHP

Unit IV:
Introduction to Servlets: Lifecycle of a Servlet, The Servlet API, The javax.servlet Package, Reading Servlet parameters, Reading Initialization parameters, Handling Http Request & Responses, Using Cookies and Sessions.
Introduction to JSP: The Anatomy of a JSP Page, JSP Processing, Declarations, Directives, Expressions, Code Snippets, implicit objects, Using Beans in JSP Pages
Using Cookies-Session Tracking, Security Issues
Database Access: Using JDBC to access Database from JSPs and Servlets

Unit V:
Introduction to MVC architecture, Anatomy of a simple struts application, struts-config.xml file, Presentation layer with JSP, Struts Controller class, JSP bean, html and logic tag libraries, ActionForms, DynaActionForm, Actions, Forwarding, Error Handling, Database Connection Pooling, validation frame work and examples for simple data types, Internationalization

1. Web Programming, building internet applications, Chris Bates 2nd edition,
WILEY Dreamtech (UNIT 1)
2. The Complete Reference PHP – Steven Holzner, Tata McGraw-Hill (Unit 2,3)
3. Java Server Pages –Hans Bergsten, SPD O’Reilly (UNITs 3,4,5)
4. The World of Scripting Languages , David Barron,Wiley Publications.
5. Professional Jakarta Struts - James Goodwill, Richard Hightower, Wrox Publishers.